Hangar Door: Refurb for a Fast Return

Putting off a hangar door replacement is a common, albeit risky, decision. The hesitation to act is usually due to daunting cost and time requirements. But there’s good news—another option exists that can provide an effective solution and save you time and money....

Clean as a Whistle: For a High-Performing SCR

Clean as a Whistle: For a High-Performing SCR A clean SCR is a high-performing SCR. Factors such as backpressure (dP), NOx conversion and ammonia slip play a critical role in a catalyst’s production capability. In a recent article in Hydrocarbon Engineering, Groome’s...

Prepare to Protect

Setting aside time and money for preventative tank and pipeline maintenance isn’t at the top of most manager’s to-do lists – but it should be, and for good reason. Unplanned work adds an average of 30-40% to the baseline cost of planned maintenance and work. In a...